In addition to Gray’s regular Sunday services in Rosedale, on Thursdays he would drive the twenty-some miles there to visit with his parishioners. Looking back, he remembers fondly as “fun” going to see “little old ladies at three o’clock in the afternoon.”
Other parts of the day he might spend wandering around Rosedale’s small business district.
“That was in the days before we had ‘dial’ telephones. It was still central: ‘Operator, give me number so-and-so’.
“And if Ruthie needed me when I was over in Rosedale, she’d just call up the operator and say she was trying to find me, and the operator would say, ‘My goodness! You know I think I just saw him walking across the street a minute ago. I think he was going to Michael’s Café. Let’s try him over there.’”